Yearbook – Senior pages update

The yearbook club has been very hard at work these days as we finally have all the photos and templates that we require. The theme that we have chosen this year is the vintage theme along with the senior pages done on chalkboards. I think that this concept is a very good idea as it merges the ideas of vintage and modern-day into one which I think fits in perfectly.

Shivani, Milo and I are doing the individual senior pages. Prior to making the pages, we sent out google forms which questions, where the seniors replied to the questions and we, were able to gather information to create the pages. The type of questions that we asked were

  1. what is your favorite nickname
  2. what are your favorite activities
  3. favorite memory at OSC
  4. senior quote

and many other questions that relate to the individual and the grade as well. In addition to the individual pages that are being created we doing

  1. Baby pictures of the seniors
  2. Advice to the future DP students
  3. Superlatives

These are all included in the senior page section. We decided to include all of these additions as it is unique to the class of 2020 and it is all something that other kids from younger ages will look at one day. We want to make something special to the seniors and something that is personal.

The Superlatives are unique to each senior and not most clique superlatives that you would usually find online. We made it special and there some inside jokes that only the grade would understand but that is what makes it so unique.

This is the template that has been used to do the superlatives for the seniors. This page is not complete as there are some kids who still need to take the pictures.
This is one of the senior pages that I am creating. This page is not complete as we are still waiting on the senior portrait photos as well as the fact that Shivani and I still need to draw something specifically designed to go with our senior’s personality.
This is a screenshot of all the seniors as babies. This is kind of a guessing game for those who want to try and guess who the child is. If they can’t, there is their name turned upside down so that the audience can figure out who the seniors are.

Overall, Yearbook has gone well so far. it has been slightly stressful gathering all the information, but once everything was together it was much easier to put it all together and get the pages done. The first couple of months are always easy and relaxing but January to April is a tough intense time as all the pages must be completed. Shivani and I are hoping to finish off all the senior pages by the end of next weekend so that it can be completed and submitted.

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