Collaborative workouts have been going very well since school started. Shivani and I have Disara who joined us recently and it has been so much fun and I really look forward to Monday’s and Fridays to workout with my girls
We are always challenging ourselves to do better and to go to the next step. Disara and I have started running and really pushing the limit. Disara has been really pushing me to run and i make her to other workouts. We keep each other on our toes and keep motivating each other to keep working harder and to not give up and even if one of us does give up we encourage each other and carry them along.
Doing these workout have really helped to gain focus and has been a form of stress relief and it is a way to really sweat out and put your focus on something other than school work. The school has been promoting wellness recently and its been very stressful and it has not been easy at all with the amount of work that we have been getting to really look after yourself and I think that working out has been a good way to relax a little
Overall, these workouts are going really well and I enjoy going these workouts with Disara and Shivani and we hope to continue doing this throughout the year.