The world now is at a point where global warming and climate change have taken over and there are many factors that contribute to global warming and climate change and plastic and ocean pollution is one of the main causes. Throughout the world there are many oceans and beaches that are badly polluted. Sri Lanka is the fifth largest producer of mass mismanaged plastic waste and Sri Lanka is also the 13th largest contributor to plastic in the oceans. There is a lot of miss management of plastics in Sri Lanka.
About a week ago my friend Hrithik posted a story on his instagram asking if anyone would be interested in beach clean up. I replied saying that it would be a good cause and he asked me to join the committee and help them plan this awesome event. Hrithik had a very hard working team behind him that backed him up and helped him throughout this whole process. We go “Be the Solution To Pollution” trending around social media and was able to get the word out fast and his team along with Hrithik was able to put this event together within a week. Planning this kind of event on a large scale is extremely hard but his team worked tirelessly to put everything together.
With the use of social media the word spread quickly and we had many celebrities who were quick to repost about this and there was more attention on “Atlantis”.
My contribution to the team was simply posting on social media and helping get the word out that there is going to be a beach clean up. There were others in the team that worked on other parts such as finding sponsors, budgeting, marking distances and much more. It was impressive that the team was able to pull all of this in a week.
we got these poster trending to the best of our abilities.
This event was very well planed out by the organizer (Hrithik and his team). They pre visited the site and marked out the area that we will be cleaning as well.
This event took place on the 31st of August Shore by O restaurant. The map above shows where exactly the cleaning needs to be done and specifications are all in the above posters as well.
On the day of the eventĀ
On the day of the event everything went according to plan. We had well over 100 people who had come to help us all clean the beach. Majority of the people that showed up were teenagers or at least between the ages of 16-22 and there were some adults as well. This shows that there are many kids who are out there hoping for change in this country and striving for a better tomorrow for future of Sri Lanka.
Overall, the beach clean up went super successfully. The founder of this organization is a very good friend of mine and he is only 18 years of age. He is really striving to make a change in this country with the miss use of plastic and littering in Sri Lanka with the youth and the younger generation of Sri Lanka. He is really hoping to make a change. I think that Hrithik is an inspiration to all young kids out there, for standing up for what he thinks is right to for trying to make a change in this country. Hrithik and his team hopes to strive for greater things and hoping to organize these beach clean up monthly and AtlantisĀ hopefully will help make a difference in the country and become more self-aware of where our country and the world is going to. This is a great way to make awareness and well as make a change and give the younger generations hope for a better future. #bethesoloutionforpolloution #savetheturtules