During summer I was really bored and my mother suggested that I go to the gym. I wasn’t up for it at first but I started going and I started to really enjoy myself because it kept me entertained and occupied from wasting time.
When I first started it wasn’t easy but I still did it. I have a problem where my hemoglobin is low and sometimes it is difficult to break because the red blood cells count is low. Eventually I got used to it and I love it.
My trainer’s name is Aravinda and he works at Water’s Edge. Over summer I went everyday during the week expect Fridays and sometimes I tried to do weekends but the weekday workouts I made sure I went for them. Since school has started its hard to be constant and go everyday so I go every morning before school starts at 5:00 am and I come to school after. I try my best to workout at least 3-4 times a week and on Saturdays I go running with my father.
Weight is something I have always struggled with because of a hormonal issue that I have, so when i started working out with Aravinda and I started to loose weight and there was a result, I just wanted to keep going
These are some images of me from the gym this week