Service: Session One

We have had four sessions so far for in Service and two of them we have spent with a batch that graduated yesterday. The batch that we get at the beginning of the year is always like an ice breaker for us, even for me even thought I have been doing this for 3 years. This is a good opportunity for the new girls that joined our service to have a feel of what the next 9 months in service will be like.

The batch that just graduated we only got three sessions with them, it was a short period of time but that time we spent with them was a lot of fun and we enjoyed all the activities that we did with them. On our first session with them we went to the center and we played ice breakers with them and shared food and drinks. This activity is really good because everyone gets to know each other and we all bond. We sing and play games and really try to connect with them so that it is much easier when we have to do activities with them. We asked them what they liked to do and they all wanted to do t-shirt painting because the other batch had worn it to their graduation and that is what they wanted to do as well, so that is what we did. This activity is Rika’s activity and she plans everything for that activity.

T-shirts that we made with the girls

When the girls came and did it they had a lot of fun and we enjoyed working with them. When they came and saw the volleyball net on the field they really wanted to play, so we decided that next week we’ll get them to come here and play volleyball and that is what we did. That was the last session that we had with this batch. They were a lot of fun, we really enjoyed working with them.

Yesterday we had a reflection session and we have some plans for the next batches that are coming up. We are really looking forward to working with them. The next batch is due on the 15th of October and our 1st session with them will possibly be on the 18th of October.

I have a great bunch of girls in our service they year and they are really enthusiastic about working hard and making this service a success. They have a lot of new ideas that are good and we will surely do them in the future. It going to be a good year for girls for girls!

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