The small workouts that Shivani and I started two years ago have expanded into a much bigger activity after school. On Fridays, we have about 4-5 girls that come and join our workouts and we usually go group workout together. I have made small circuits with my trainer that I use with the girls as well. The workout is the perfect balance of cardio and weights and it evens out well.
Shivani and I started this as a way to motivate each other but I think that it has definitely turned into something much more. When the girls get together it not only motivates one another to work much harder but it is also a good stress reliever. we talk about school while holding planks and talk about how our day when on as we did wall sits because those sometimes can be extremely painful.
Type of workouts that we do
Set One
warm-up 2 laps around the field 200 m x 2
squats 50 x 3
medicine ball slams 20 x 3
mountain climbers 20 x 3
wall sits 45 seconds x 3
pickups 15 x 3
Sit-ups with medicine ball 30 x 3
laps around the field 100 x 8
planks 1 min x 3
Set Two
walking crab – 15 x 3
Dead lifts 12 x 3
Plank ups 10×3
pick ups 15×3
Skipping 30 seconds x 3
Running 100m x 8
Planks 1 min x 3
Some photos of Us working out
These pictures were taken on a day where I was sick and was unable to do the workouts. I, in fact, have been workout even throughout December break with my trainer at the water’s edge.
With school almost coming to an end and being in the IB, it is really difficult to balance all work and activities. But I think that working out is good and it’s a good way to keep you going mentally.
Overall, collaborative workouts have expanded and as an after school activity, it’s going well. We have a supervisor that comes and he does his workouts while we do ours and it works out perfectly. I cannot wait for another awesome semester of working out with my girls.