Thank you OSC! Its been Real.

Do what you cant – Casey Niestat  well… its that time. this is my final blog post on this site.   it’s crazy how seven years can fly by so fast.  I joined this school on August 13th, 2013 and I was the new Sri Lankan kid who knew nothing about the world he was about…

Athletics 2020

So this year to graduate from OSC I had to do this little thing called C.A.S. Nothing too serious, it’s just that if I don’t show the progress of me being a balanced student I fail my diploma and that’s not very good for me. So I have the Creativity and Service parts covered as…

DP 2 Goals- The last leg of the race

The time has finally come for us. we are finally seniors and its really really scary. I’m at a loss for words as I enter into the final stage of my high school years and I will have to face reality. Now that I am finally here I now have to set goals in order…

DP 1 reflection

Wow, what a year it has been and all I can say that it was eventful. I first started my CAS blog 9 months ago and everything that is represented on the blog has changed my life forever and has helped me enjoy this extremely stressful year. CREATIVITY This year for creativity was a breakout…

SAISA Boys Basketball 2019

For the third season of the OSC year, I decided to pursue SAISA boys basketball. However, I did not start off that way. Originally I decided that I was actually going to Track and Field. I was planning on competing in the shot put and discus events. This then changed after I was threatened by…


“Football, like life, is about change” – Hank Stram This year the OSC football team underwent a major, and I mean a major change. Last year we suffered defeat only winning one game and scoring only 4 goals throughout the entire tournament, this was very hard on us mainly due to the fact that we…


The time had finally come. The SAISA volleyball tournament was just 1,431 miles and we were ready to show SAISA who the geckos are and who we are going to be. Everyone arrived at school at around 2:10, all dead tired and excited for the trip ahead. At around 2:30 we left OSC for the…

SAISA Volleyball Training

Sport is a preserver of health- Hippocrates   with the new school year starting, one of the most competitive sports seasons begins along with it.  “What is it you might ask ” well that sports season is the SAISA Volleyball season.  I have been playing volleyball now for 2 years and I have developed a…

A Trip Unlike Any Other

The start of our DP years took off with a bang right from the very beginning. How you may ask, well it involved a lot of hiking, jumping, sliding, walking, running, singing, dancing, and most importantly a whole lot of laughter. You’re probably thinking “what did the DP 1’s do” well we all went on…

CAS Goals

My goals   As I begin the final leg of the race for my school years, I decided not to go into the DP program blind. I felt that I had to set myself goals to help guide me through this journey known as school life. So that’s what i did i set goals for…