
Final CAS Reflection

Here it is, my final CAS post. Looking back at my first ever CAS post I notice a huge change and improvement. I am glad to say that I have achieved and exceeded my initial goals and this has encouraged me to keep developing the skills that I learned through CAS, such as communication and […]

CAS Project: Article on Care for Paws

CAS Project: Article on Care for Paws

For my CAS Project I have decided to write an article for the sterilisation camp that my service group organised this year. I thought this would be an effective way of explaining what we do to non-members of the service and also to show the purpose and goals of Care for Paws. The article summarises […]

Sterilisation Camp – Care for Paws

Sterilisation Camp - Care for Paws

On the morning of the 18th of February 2023, around 7:30 am, the service members gathered at Asiri Uyana to start preparing for the camp. This time was used to set everything up and make sure that the necessary materials were all there. The service group collabed with the Adopt a Dog Sri Lanka Organisation, […]

Eco Schools – Green Flag Achieved!

Eco Schools - Green Flag Achieved!

Two weeks ago eco schools had a meeting with the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) to receive a green flag. The green flag is an international certificate that shows that our school is eco-friendly. To achieve this, eco schools collaborated with other services such as recycling and sustainability and housing and habitat, as well as […]

Care for Paws – Bake Sale

Care for Paws - Bake Sale

In order to raise money so that we can organise another sterilization camp this year, we collaborated with the new service, Elephant Sanctuary on organizing a bazaar. Our service was in charge of the bake sale and the pledge. The event was hosted on world animal day, so we had a pledge that people had […]

Reading buddies

Reading buddies

Last week my friends and I organised a reading session with G1 students. We went to their classroom to get them in the morning and bring them to the primary library. The kids seemed excited to do something different, and it was interesting for us too. Once we arrived at the library, we decided to […]

UN day workshop – French presentation

UN day workshop - French presentation

Le jour de l’ONU, nous avons organisé un atelier de français avec des enfants d’âge préscolaire. Nous avons fait une présentation sur les crêpes. Plus précisément, nous avons parlé de crêpes provenant d’une région de France appelée Bretagne. Nous avons passé quelques cours à préparer la présentation. Dans la présentation, nous avons mentionné l’origine de […]


On April the 23rd Care for Paws and Housing and Habitat hosted a homerun. The two service groups collaborated together to organise this event. This event was organised as a fundraiser, but also as an engaging activity for the OSC community (and their pets). The route was 5 kilometers, and everyone was invited to enjoy […]

Care for Paws: Sterilisation Camp

Care for Paws: Sterilisation Camp

Last week, on March the 6th we finally organised a sterilisation camp for dogs. We placed the sterilisation at the army camp and spent the whole day there. We arrived at 8:00 and stayed there until 16:00. Our role was to help the veterans by taking care of the dogs after surgery. When we arrived […]

Winter Break Recycling in Italy

This winter, I went to Italy to visit my family and friends. During my stay, I wanted to use my time thinking about some of the major issues today and discovering if I have any power in improving the situation. Especially as a young person, a newer generation, I feel the urge to do something, to […]

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