During the CAS wellness session that was held today, I did some activities so that I could get out of my seat, and have some time for myself away from a screen. Participation in regular physical activity helps to increase my self-esteem and it also helps me to reduce stress and anxiety. Moreover regular exercising is also essential to stay physically healthy and fit as well. Today, I jogged around my neighborhood for around 20 minutes and then I skipped in my garden for around 10 minutes. And then I did some exercises like push ups, squats and jumping jacks. All throughout this session I appreciated the beauty of nature, by listening to the sound of leaves rustling in the wind, and to the melodious chirpings of the birds. After this session, I had a cool bath and listened to some pop music, while drinking a warm cup of coffee.
Oh and btw, I managed to find some porcupine spikes on the road as well. Normally three to five porcupines freely roam around in the area, probably they might have got into to a fight the day before. Our lane is on a hillside area, so although it is quite difficult to jog back up, I get motivated by the fact that it is much effective than jogging on a flat terrain. The entire session was definitely relaxing, and it also helped me to boost up my energy. 🙂
Learning objectives:
LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
LO7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions