Our school’s Eco-Schools service group recently embarked on a road clean-up project in the vicinity of our campus. The aim was to not only contribute to a cleaner environment but also to raise awareness about the importance of waste segregation and recycling. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and determination, we set out to pick up litter and debris from the roadsides. As we went along, we separated the waste into three categories – plastic, glass, and metal – to facilitate recycling. The experience was both enlightening and rewarding. It was alarming to see the sheer amount of litter that had accumulated in the area, but it was also heartening to witness our collective efforts at cleaning it up. It was a reminder that small actions can lead to big impacts. Once we had collected the waste, we transported it to a nearby recycling center. As part of our efforts to raise awareness about the issue, we also created a TikTok video documenting our clean-up project. We wanted to use social media as a tool to reach out to a larger audience and inspire others to take action towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. Through this project, we not only fulfilled our CAS requirements but also gained valuable insights into the impact of waste on the environment. We learned that small actions such as waste segregation and recycling could go a long way in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the planet for future generations.
As we were conducting our road clean-up project, we noticed that some of our school neighbors were still burning their trash. We knew that burning waste could have severe environmental and health impacts, and we were determined to convince them to stop. We approached our neighbors with an open mind and explained to them the detrimental effects of burning waste on both the environment and human health. We shared information about how it contributes to air pollution, releases toxic chemicals, and harms wildlife. Initially, our neighbors were hesitant to change their ways, citing convenience as the reason for burning their trash. However, we persisted and continued to engage in conversations with them. We shared ideas and alternative solutions, such as proper waste segregation and recycling, and encouraged them to join us in our efforts to build a cleaner and more sustainable community. Eventually, our efforts paid off. We were able to convince our school neighbors to stop burning their trash and instead adopt more sustainable waste management practices. It was a small but significant victory that demonstrated the power of community engagement and collective action in effecting positive change.
The link to the tiktok video: https://www.tiktok.com/@ecoschools_osc/video/7203303281265790235
CAS Outcomes
Our community liaison was an essential part of our road clean-up project. By engaging with our school neighbors, we were able to raise awareness about the impact of waste on the environment and health, and convince them to join us in our efforts towards a more sustainable future. It was a reminder that small actions, when taken collectively, can lead to meaningful change.
Our road clean-up project was a small step towards a larger goal of building a sustainable future. It was a reminder that we all have a role to play in creating a better world, and that together, we can make a difference.