Despite the fact that I am a member of the Eco-schools service group, on Thursday, myself and a few other Eco-schools members collaborated to assist members of the Recycling service group. We were separated into groups and then sent on our own throughout the school’s major areas to gather any scrap and recycle paper. We gathered scrap paper from the secondary office, the arts center, and a few other classrooms to fill a full box Placing the paper we gathered in the little stock room made me proud of our combined efforts to aid the environment and to raise awareness about the necessity of recycling and environmental protection for future generations.
We anxiously went to examine how the bio gas generation process was progressing after collecting all of the paper and stocking them. We took turns filling the biogas producing chamber with one piece of cow dung and the other with water. To be honest, I expected the procedure to be lot more difficult and time-consuming, but I’m delighted it went so smoothly. I inquired about the biogas generating process and what would be done with the gathered gas, and Mr Lockwood patiently described the entire process to me. I discovered that biogas, predominantly methane, is formed when bacteria found in cow dung and waste food engage in anearobic respiration, which is the process of generating energy by breaking down available glucose in the absence of oxygen while also releasing methane as a waste product. The excess water created would be collected and utilized as a valuable source of fertilizer for growing crops and plants. However, I was caught off guard when I was told that the produced methane would be utilized to make popcorn after enough had been gathered. I believe that this is a very good way to appreciate the hard work that has been done by everyone who participated.
Learning Outcomes
outcome 04: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. I believe that engaging in this activity helped to prove that I was showing perseverance in my CAS experience, while being a part of spreading the awareness and importance of protecting the environment.
outcome 06: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. I believe that climate change is a global issue that is becoming a growing concern. And engaging in recyling and generating biogas has helped me become a part of engaging in providing a solution to a major global issue.