In May of 2018 toward the end of the school year we had our annual student body elections where students from grade eight upward get to select who they want to be their new SGA (student government association). I have always wanted to be part of the SGA but I was too scared to go up there and give a speech but this year like I mentioned in my previous posts that I want to be a risk-taker and try new things. So I decided to run as spirit coordinator.
We had a eleven candidates who were running but for the position of spirit coordinator it was me and Rika. The two of us are competitive and both wanted to win but either way it didn’t matter who won because either one of us would have done an amazing job.
I thought that I would be good for this role because I am very spirited and I come from a background where sports and spirit is very big, so I love getting people hyped up and ready for games and events. Also I have a lot of connections all over Colombo which the SGA will need when it comes to organizing events and making sure everything runs smoothly. May 8th I found out that I had won and I was really excited because I have so many ideas and fun activities that I am planning to do.
My goals as spirit coordinator:
I want to make sure that all spirit days are fun and exciting for everyone to do and I really hope that everyone dresses up as points will be added on to games day. I am really excited for pep rally’s because it is an opportunity to get all the players ready for the game and know that the gecko’s are supporting and cheering for them not matter which country that they are in. I also want to implement this new thing where on the day before or on the day of the depature of our teams to go on SAISA where we all wear blue and white to school as a way of showing that we support the geckos! I am so excited for all the cool events that the SGA is planning. This year is going to be good year filled with spirit!