Walking the dogs

Where I used to live, I’d always take the dogs out for long walks through the forests and fields a couple of days a week, I enjoyed finding the time to go outside and appreciate nature. However, since I’ve moved, it’s proven to be harder and harder to find the time, motivation, and also the space to walk the dogs. But over the last couple of weeks, during DLP I would go after school and take my dogs for a walk around the lake that’s near my house, and if the weather’s right they’d be able to go for a swim. I forgot how much I appreciated taking the dogs on walks, how almost therapeutic it could be just to take a break once a day. I found myself feeling much calmer throughout the following days, but then I heard we’d be going back to face-to-face learning. I knew this would intervein with my new pre-established routine, and I was right. The first day back from the face-to-face learning I fell a

sleep within seconds of getting back home. But over time again, I still found the time to get out and take a break again, which I honestly believe has been really beneficial for me. I think I’ve managed to show Initiative & planning and personal perseverance, finding the time to take a break and help out by taking the dogs out for few hours a week.


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