Doga's CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

DEIJ Meeting

DEIJ ( a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice group) aims to sustain OSC’s vision and mission to empower learners toward intercultural understanding of all groups of people.

DEIJ is committed to upholding OSC’s motto of “Unity in Diversity” through education campaigns, discussions, guest speakers, presentations, documentaries, and more.

With weekly meetings DEIJ group initiates new activities campaigns etc. that educate the OSC community about global issues that need to be addressed. So far we have brainstormed big issues that we can shed some light on such as sexism,Islamophobia, Racism, BLM, BHM, body positivity, Religious freedom, LGBTQ etc. where we will focus on one of these topics weekly or for a whole month aiming to educate students and staff on the topic by providing articles, inviting guest speakers, creating presentations and creating a daily bulletin.



Initiative & Planning:

I demonstrated skill of initiating and plan a CAS experience since in my subgroup (coming up with topics for DEIJ and when they can be addressed) me and my teammates came up with a through plan on which I have initiated new ideas and planned the whole year if which topics will be used when. E.g  BLM and BHM will be the topic from February 1 – March 1 and LGBTQ+ rights will be the toping during June etc.


Collaborative Skills:

I have been working collaboratively with the DEIJ members and also the members of my subgroup, which we are responsible for updating the calendar and add things to the bulletin. By working with my teammates in group 2 (the subgroup) we updated the calendar together and communicated efficiently on who should update the bulletin that day. Working collaboratively with others helped the DEIJ group come up with good ideas together, and be able to divide the workload and work in an efficient manner to get tasks done.


Ethics of choices & Actions:

The whole point of this extra curricular activity is to acknowledge ethics and flawed thinking within society and acting upon it to try to fraise awerness on it. By being a part of this group, I will be recognizing and considering thee ethics of choices that are made within our community or even as a individual and try to lessen these actions in the OSC community to create a safer, more open minded and inclusive environment for us.


Commitment and perseverance:

I will be showing commitment and perseverance to DEIJ by attending all the weekly meetings as well as updating the calendar with my group until end of the moth. Me and my peers will also be following a strict timeline to be able to create activities and informational presentations for OSC therefore demonstrating our commitment and seriousness on these topics.


Engagement with Global Issues:


As the whole theme of DEIJ is to focus on global and local issues such as sexism, racism, limitation of expression , suppression of religion etc. I will demonstrate constant engagements with issues of global significance and working towards lessening it within the OSC community or just raising awareness on the topic. These will be achieved through presentation during assemblies or informative talks from influential people in Sri-Lanka. As me and my peers will be arranging these interactions, it will educate us on the topic as well as demonstrating engagement/perseverance.

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