Recently, I have joined a yoga class that takes place every Sunday from 6-8 pm. I was looking to maintain my dancing skills and I saw this opportunity to join this class in my apartment building which is very convenient. Yoga is the best way to maintain the flexibility and core balance of a dancer. Therefore, I gave the class a shot and not only was it challenging but also very relaxing. After a whole week of being static it almost felt like your body is renewed with energy. It is a very good experience and definitely worth the 2 hours. Attached below is a small snippet of the class.[LO4]
We do many different exercises in class. Some are very strenuous and some more relaxing. We do the surya namaskar at least 11 times which is seen in the time lapse above. Mr. Mohan who is our teacher, is very experienced and many times before and after class instigates very meaningful discussions such as healthy eating and timely sleep. He was talking to me about the importance of clear mindedness during stressful times and how that helps. He also is helping me rehabilitate my back injury which is painful but it slowly provides relief.
I also learnt how to do a shoulder stand which is amazing! because I never thought I could balance my core that much but it has reflected in my dancing. I still need support sometimes but I am getting better at it. [LO2 & LO1]The yoga really helps me balance my core and leg muscles. It helps me relax and forget about media and technology for 2 hours and that is so difficult these days with us being on our phones 24/7. It is not only hard to get off the screen but almost impossible hence, it is necessary for us to do something that is off the screen.
Towards the end of the class, we do Meditation and mindfulness and that is something that is very necessary in the Diploma programme because it is very challenging and rigorous. There is always stress and anticipation and we need to be mindful of our mental health and we need to take care of it as much as possible. Mental Health and wellbeing is a global issue between teenagers and its contributor is school, the people we surround ourselves with and the way we go about things. Therefore, by taking some time of our days we can be the best help to ourselves and I think that is the best we can do for us. [LO7 & LO6]