During the break I was able to initiate and begin to plan a CAS experience by visiting and helping a sea turtle centre found in Hikkaduwa.
This week my family and I stayed in a hotel in Hikkaduwa for two days. It was nice to get out of the city and go to the beach.
The first day we decided to explore some nearby shops. After that, we had lunch at a restaurant and then we went to a sea turtle centre. There we saw turtles that have been saved and are taken care of until they are ready to go back to the ocean. They also had baby turtles who are just 2 weeks old and we got the chance to release them. Unfortunately the centre has plenty of turtles, and a variety of species. Some of them are green turtle, olive ridley, leatherback, and hawksbill. We took the little turtles to the shore and watched them run towards the ocean.
I learned the different reasons for the centre and why/how the turtles end up there. It was explained to me that the most common reason are fishers, who harm turtles with nets and engines of the boats, leaving them handicapped.
We donated some money to help the workers promote their actions and encourage others to learn about their project. I believe that it is important to spread awareness about this issue because it can have a negative impact on turtles as a species. It is a great feeling knowing that we were able to help and I hope to help with similar projects in the future.
The next day, yesterday, my sister and I decided to wake up at five in the morning to go to the beach and wait for the sunrise. We packed a bag with towels and brought our books. The sunrise was beautiful and the experience was even better. Later that day we realised how a couple of hours can change and make a day seem longer. It felt as if the day has lasted three times longer than usual. This made me want to try to change my sleeping schedule. I believe that waking up early will help me become more motivated and the day will start as more peaceful.
This small break was very nice and very much needed. I was able to get out of the city, stay active everyday, avoid screens, and get some rest. I hope that after this break, I gained some energy that will help me get through the last portion before the winter vacation.
Here are pictures of the beach, a street in Hikkaduwa, and a turtle from the centre ready to be released