Eco Schools – Green Flag Achieved!

Two weeks ago eco schools had a meeting with the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) to receive a green flag. The green flag is an international certificate that shows that our school is eco-friendly. To achieve this, eco schools collaborated with other services such as recycling and sustainability and housing and habitat, as well as some students who presented projects they collaborated in which focused on the environment and learning about biodiversity.

During the meeting, students and teachers from all classes contributed and explained what we do in our school to become more sustainable, such as building garden beds, recycle, use organic matter to make renewable energy, working towards installing solar panels, etc.

This presentation also focused on biodiversity, measuring it and obtaining it. Thevuni and I, as biology students engaged by explaining our projects from last year, such as the DP1 science trip and the Group 4 project, where students applied skills they were taught in class to measure biodiversity and conduct various investigations.

At the end of the meeting I was surprised to learn how much time and effort our school puts into decreasing the community’s impact on the environment and how a variety of approaches are considered to achieve sustainability.

The certificate; Credit: Mr. Poulus

Link to the full certificate:

Letter_GF Assessment_Overseas School of Colombo_Sri Lanka


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