May 2022

You are browsing the site archives for May 2022.


On April the 23rd Care for Paws and Housing and Habitat hosted a homerun. The two service groups collaborated together to organise this event. This event was organised as a fundraiser, but also as an engaging activity for the OSC community (and their pets). The route was 5 kilometers, and everyone was invited to enjoy […]

Geography IA trip, Day 3 and 4

Geography IA trip, Day 3 and 4

On our third day we had the last couple of interviews to finish. So, early in the morning we were already on our way to a different inhabited area in search for people to interview. We went to another area, so the jeep drove us there.                   […]

Geography IA Trip, Day 1 and 2

Geography IA Trip, Day 1 and 2

On Monday, April the 25th our geography trip was finally confirmed and we could finally start packing for the next day. ——————————————————————————————————- This trip lasted from Tuesday, the 26th until Friday, the 29th. This trip was organised so we could collect data points for our IAs in geography. We created a survey which we worked […]

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