Service this year was an adventure if I had to put it one word. This year I embarked on a new journey this service as I took on the roll for my service group. To be honest I was really excited to start this new step in my DP life, as I have never taken upon such position which required me to take on a lot of responsibility. So with my excitement, I was also nervous as myself and my three other leaders Emily and Liana had to look after and help grow this service group. Before the school year began Emily, Liana and I had to set goals for the service group this year. We decided to continue our project named project uplift which had been our primary focus for our group for the past year. This project involved building chairs and tables out of wood and giving them to local primary schools. This project as mentioned our primary goal for this year, we also hosted the home run which our primary fundraiser together with stalls we ran at the Food and Fun Fair.
This year has been an absolute roller coaster, as it was not only stressful but also extremely fun. The members of our service really made this year great as each and every session was nothing but an absolute blast. This also leads to the great time we had on our housing and habitat WWW. that trip really helped the whole service group bond with one another as we played with school children and built barbed wire fences. With all the fun we had, this year was also a huge learning experience as with the Easter Sunday attacks really helped our service understand the different way we can help the community.
In addition to all the experiences we had, we also had so much fun. Evey service was just a lot of laughs paired with “hard work” Mr.Rossberg would say. My experience as a service leader really has been nothing but fun with the service group i am with. The only left to say is Thank you Housing and Habitat for everything and thank you for re-electing me as your leader and given the opportunity to be with you allĀ again