housing and habitat log -3

Since the last session our service has  commplised a lot and all the activities of this service would be discussed in this post . As mentioned in the last post we had come up with a descision to use bamboo as the primary material for biulding the compost. Then the we ordered bamboo from the shop that we visited a few session ago and as soon as they arrived we started to transport the the bamboo to the design lab .

(figure 1.1 : the bamboo at the desing lab)

the next in the process was to cut the bamboo into the right measurement . In total we needed 14 __ ft peices and 12 __ft peices for  the construction of the compost.  for the cutting we used clamps and wooden saws.  Our original idea to keep the pieces to togetheer was to drill holes in the pieces and then at the end put a woooden rod through the holes to keep it steady but drilling holes in bambooo turned out to be very difficult so our plan B was to keep the compost together using ropes by tying knots.

(figure1.2:  all the cut pieces )

in the next session we had to take all the peices to the biulding site which was behind the science labs and inoder to do that we rolled the peices down the roof  in fornt of the side entrance and at the bottom ansel and jed were there to catch the bamboo.

(figure 1.3,1.4,1.5 :   rolling down the bamboo down the roof )

as soon as the bamboo was transported down  each person took 3 – 4 peices to bamboo to thee site . After that main idea for the construction was to stack the bamboo’s on top of each other and tie the knots in the corners connecting the 2 peices together. we aslo added some wooden sticks at the corners to keep the compost together while biulding the sturcture ,  it also helped us as the placment of the sticks  created a cavity in which we could place the bamboo making sure it was straight moreover making it easier to tie the knots  .

(figure 1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9: the constructure of the compost )

(figure 2.0 : cutiing of the wooden sticks)

the final step was to tie the knots and to cut off  the ascess bamboo sticking out after this stepp the compost would be consisdered complete  . the compost was complete .

(figure 2.1 : the  final product )

we recived good feedback for the compost and were told to extend the compost . The biuld was started on oct 19 and was completed on 23 november 2023

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