Haousing and Habitat – log 4

( the first compost )

The last compost was a huge success in that we got a request for  2 more composts to be built in the primary garden where previously we had already built 2 garden beds.

The next project on our list after the homerun event was the construction of a new compost in the primary playground next to the garden beds. The first step was to decide whether the measurements for the new compost had to be similar to the last one or different. Mr. Polus instructed us to adjust the length of the compost, making it slightly shorter and slightly longer than the previous one. To meet the new requirements  we had to measure the previous compost that we built along with inspecting the new site for construction, the new specifications for compost that we came up with were as follows

  • Material: Bamboo
  • Dimensions: 12 pieces of 114 cm each, 10 pieces of 283 cm each

The next step was to start cutting the bamboo which was pretty easy as all the members of the service knew had to operate the tools in the design lab. during the construction of the compost, we followed the same method we used last time: rope and stilts to hold the structure together.

(pictures of the service making the new compost)





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