For this years Spring Gala, I wanted to re-engage in Kathak dancing. [LO3, LO4] It has been about 2 years since I have gotten a chance to perform at school with an audience. After contemplation on what song I should do and the duration of it. I thought of the song called “Ghar more pardesiya” which will be about 1 minute 57 seconds long. I had practiced this dance over the two years [LO4] and was truly thrilled to be able to show Ms. Duncan my work. I did this audition on 14th Feburary during lunch.
It was an amazing experience and Ms. Duncan really appreciated my dancing and commented on how it is more polished than before.
Later on, I recieved an email with a confirmation of my performance at the Gala and I couldn’t be happier. I am glad that I have been given this opportunity to perform and showcase Indian culture once again. [LO7, LO6]This event is held on the 1st of April and I am very excited for it.
In terms of activity, I practiced for half an hour each day [LO4] with music and practiced in front of my friends as well so that I could get a feel of the audition. [LO5]
I could feel the burn and I also felt like I had not danced with this much energy in a long time. I was concerned when I was out of breath but I made myself realise how this is my last performance at OSC and I need to make it special. [LO1, LO2]With that motivation I was able to overcome this issue.
I cannot wait for the gala and I hope to see you there!