Bike Ride Around Colombo for Cat Food

My primary source of activity is biking around Colombo. While Colombo is not often the most bike-friendly, I use smaller roads, and roads that I know have adequate space for biking. I usually take a path around the borders of Colombo 7 and Colombo 3, however last weekend I took a different path. This change in the path was because I was tasked with finding cat food, and cooking cream, this was because all the usual shops we normally use for these items ran out, and most of our cuisine uses cooking cream, and we also have a cat to feed.

I was unfortunately unsuccessful in finding cooking cream, however, I did find cat food, at Pet Vet close so Asiri hospital. The total length of the bike ride was only about 14km, but since I went through new routes, and I had to lock and unlock my bike at each stop, it took me significantly longer than usual.

The main learning outcome was: “Demonstraight how to initiate and plan a CAS experience” I planned out a route with the most likely places I could find either cooking cream or cat food. While I did not achieve my goal of finding cooking cream, I did however find cat food, which is a ½ success rate.

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