As a leader of the service group: Recycling and Sustainability, I have to ensure that the whole school is making an active effort to reduce OSC’s ecological footprint. One of the major contributions to OSC’s ecological footprint is food waste. The way that our service group is combatting the food waste issue is with the use of a biogas plant. We put in food waste and in return, we get cooking gas.
However, we had two problems, firstly was getting food waste from the canteen into the biogas machine, and raising school awareness about food waste. We tackled part of the issue with an announcement in the daily bulletin, however, I wanted to involve the primary school as well. So I met with Mrs Leblanc, the teacher leader of the PSGA, the primary school government association, and proposed a plan. The following Tuesday with the PSGA meeting, I brought all 20 members ranging from first grade to fifth grade to the biogas plant.
To demonstrate how important it is that we put the food waste into the plant, we cooked popcorn and made hot chocolate using the cooking gas created. The PSGA were excited about the popcorn, however, they thought the hot chocolate was a bit bitter. Either way, they proposed that the PSGA collect the food waste created during the primary lunchtime, to be placed into the biogas plant. The event ended up on the school’s facebook page, and in the gecko times.
Learning Outcomes:
3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I initiated this cas experience myself, I also arranged all the material required and created a plan.
4: Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences.
I missed parts of my economics class, which I had to catch up on later so that I could participate in this CAS experience. I also had to organize materials and resources outside of school time.