This post is dedicated to the CAS goals set for my last year in school (2022-2023). 



Senior Production- Antigone

For the creativity aspect of this blog, I will be partaking in the senior production organized by the school. I have experience in competitive theatre productions organized by organizations in Colombo but never done a production simply for the enjoyment and the appreciation for the art. I am keen to see the results and the memories gained from this experience!


Obtaining the ‘Eco Schools’ accreditation to OSC

Eco-schools was the first service I joined at OSC. This service is dedicated to accrediting OSC as an ‘Eco-School.’ The school will be officially recognized as a school that integrates good and sustainable environmental practices within the classrooms and other premises in the school. A lot of effort and hard work is done to obtain prove that the school is capable and equipped to operate this programme in school. My goal is to contribute as much as I can to help the school obtain this accreditation.


Consistency in Tennis

Last year I played volleyball in order to keep active and fit, I enjoyed it so much and I found myself improving at the sport as well. However, this year I will be focusing more on Tennis and improving on technique. I will be engaging in this privately as school does not offer this sport. I have done tennis for about 4 years however, it has not been consistent. Therefore, the goal this year is to be consistent by playing tennis on the weekends.

CAS project

Being a Reading Buddy for grade 1 students to stimulate cognitive development such as development language skills.