Service Semester 1 Reflection

OSC’s Room to Read Semester 1 – Reflection This semester, we had a new service leader, Sanjana Kumari. She has been in our service since it had started and currently, she is the oldest member of the group. We also had a new team this year and all together we were 13 members which is…

SGA – DP1 Class Rep

SGA – Student government  association. We have the SGA for the secondary school where all the class representatives are involved. Our purpose is to represent the Secondary OSC community and be their voice. Rashmi and I are the class representatives of DP1 2018. We are part of the SGA therefore we both need to give…

OSC’s Room To Read

OSC’s Room To Read 2018 – 2019 Background Information: OSC’s Room to Read is a service where our goal is to create a well-resourced reading place for the community. We help local communities who don’t have the facilities or a place where they can read and educate themselves. Last year, 2017-2018, for our service, Milo,…

DP 1 Orientation

A needed leisure. The DP 1 Orientation was in Kitulgala, Borderlands. DP had been overwhelming just in the first month, we were just surrounded with academics and assignments. We all really needed this break to be surrounded by nature and to appreciate it. DP 1 Orientation: Day 1 (29/08/18) We went for rafting straight from…

CAS Goals

Goals for DP 1: Semester 1: CAS Points I am happy with Points I want to work on Creativity I did a lot of art related activities last year which strengthened my creativity skills. Some other factors in the art field that I have interest in is Drama. I can work on my skills and…