So this year to graduate from OSC I had to do this little thing called C.A.S. Nothing too serious, it’s just that if I don’t show the progress of me being a balanced student I fail my diploma and that’s not very good for me. So I have the Creativity and Service parts covered as I am an established performer in OSC and I will be doing my second-year tenure as a service leader for the Housing and Habitat service group. So the department which I was currently struggling in was the Activity section. The reason that it is a problem is that due to personal reasons I will not be traveling on the annual SAISA sports trips this year. So I had to somehow find an outlet to get my Activity section done. So that is when I decided to just train with the SAISA teams.
My year started with volleyball. I started as just a regular player for the team, I did all the drills and exercises that the team was doing and participated in practice games against each other. I am considered somewhat of a veteran as I have played on the team for over 3 years counting this year so I knew my way around the game volleyball. This led Ms. Sue to ask me to help out with the coaching of the less experienced players. This had me running individual drills with them and teaching the basics as one of the leaders on the team.
Then moving on to basketball, my favorite sport. Not being able to travel with the team was extremely hard as I had developed such a close bond with our coach and the rest boys on the team. So I had to fight through and support them as a best friend and leader. I joined them in their drills and practices and even played a few games with them.
Now finally, football. If you know me personally you know that my goal when I first joined OSC was to join the OSC Boys football team. Thankfully due to my hard work and the grace of God, my goal was fulfilled. This year I will not be traveling so I am going to be a leader and supporter to the new boys of a team providing them experience from a leader who has been playing football for over 12 years.
Knowing that I have been a leader to so many new people and watching them compete to the best of their ability for a spot on this amazing teamĀ is nothing but a great pleasure.
(SAISA VOLLEYBALL practice 2018/19)
(SAISA BOYS BASKETBALL practice 2018/19)