Do what you cant – Casey Niestat
well… its that time. this is my final blog post on this site. it’s crazy how seven years can fly by so fast. I joined this school on August 13th, 2013 and I was the new Sri Lankan kid who knew nothing about the world he was about to jump into. Now I’m graduating and beginning the next chapter of my story. However, in order for a new chapter to begin the old chapter has to end. so this final post will sum up the two years in which my life got flipped turned upside down. (I know that was cringe and I’m sorry not sorry).
LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
In terms of my strengths, I think my sporting ability is my most confident one. I have been athletic all my life but was restricted due to problems of weight and health. However, I took initiative into my own hands and went on a weight loss program and dropped 20kgs. this gave me the boost of confidence I needed. It also allowed me to become healthy and athletic and eventually led me in participating in 5 SAISA events, becoming a household name around the sporting community around OSC.
LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Over these past 2 years, taking challenges has kinda been a thing I have been doing a lot as of recently. |These past years the biggest challenges I undertook, was 1, becoming a service leader, 2, performing in the galas for Boys Voice and last but not least 3, where I performed in the main cast for two highschool production. These experiences have given me invaluable lessons and experiences which I will take with me to university and later life.
LO3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
This learning outcome was a huge learning experience for me as I had to create an experience by myself. This taught me to be independent but also work collaboratively. What I mean by this is that for my CAS experience I decided to create a T-Shirt Fundraiser alongside my friend Josh for our Service group. Coming up with the designs, placing the orders and the marketing the shirt taught me invaluable skills that I will take with me to later life.
LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
In terms of commitment, I would say my involvement in the service group Housing and Habitat was my biggest commitment. I served as a leader during the 2 years of the DP and with being a leader comes responsibilities. I was no longer blindly following orders but was now working as a role model for my members and serving as a good example. being a service leader taught me how to be an effective communicator, leader, and friend and will spearhead me in my career aspirations.
LO5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
I view myself as a person who thrives on collaborative work. I am naturally extroverted and good with people, and it made my experiences in working with others so pleasant. Being able to take part in the productions, sporting events, and service projects have not only given me amazing experiences and friends, but also taught me, sportsmanship, mutual respect, and leadership skills.
LO6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
In my final DP year, alongside some of my friends and service leaders, we decided to do a Climate strike. This is where we left our classes and paraded around the school protesting the rights of our planet and how we must save it. This experience was a first for me as I have never until now, organized a protest so the learning I gained such as communication, and leadership skills will prove to be very valuable and important
LO7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
For my week without walls in MYP 5 and DP 1, I went to the district of Hambantota where I spent 4 days with a local pre-school named the Janoda foundation. Spending time with these kids, learning about them and developing relationships really took us into a place of deep gratitude, as what we consider a necessity these children considered a privilege. This made us take into account our ethics of life choices and made us much more appreciative of what we have.
NOW that the boring stuff is done, lets get real. The past 2 years have been nothing but the most amazing, fun, exciting, and challenging years of my life. Taking on so many new activities, making new friends, and building strong bonds that will last a lifetime have been nothing but a privilege. I can’t believe that its all over, this is it, my final post. I never thought I would ever write this cause there were a few times I wanted to give up, but luckily I didn’t. Jeez, this is hard to write. Knowing that next year I will wake up and not get ready for school is the most surreal feeling ever and its hard to accept that I can’t be with my friend’s cause of COVID. However, I’m still grateful for everything, thank you IB, thank you, class, of 2020, thank you OSC. I will never forget you for the rest of my life.
It’s been real. Really real.
Your friend