My final year of high school is definitely turning into the strangest one. School began with strict rules on masks, social distancing and sanitisation, which is definitely going to be a challenge to get used to. However, I am sure I can get through this along the way keep up with my CAS goals, and also reflect on my previous goals.


Last year for creativity COMUN was my main focus, and getting through the first year by attending conferences and having a successful presentation for our UN day. This was all completed, however this year COMUN is going to be quite a challenge to continue. However, over the summer I completed a Harvard Computer science course called CS50 as my original plans of travelling were crossed off. Furthermore my Economics class mates and I organised a very successful fundraiser for Sri Lanka COVID relief, and I will be writing about the process that went into organising this. Though right now I don’t have any plans for the future in terms of Creativity, throughout the year I will be exploring as options start to arise when rules start to get more lenient in Sri Lanka.


Just like last year my goals for activity are for sailing. Even though there was a big break in sailing training and races during lockdown, recently they have began again and I have already competed in a few races and gone to some training sessions. Looking back on last year I have completed all of my goals in attending training, competing in races and going to Abu Dhabi. This year travelling overseas for competitions will be most probably impossible, but within Sri Lanka I have no doubt there will be multiple races for me to compete in, and also the 2020 Nationals.


Finally, in OSC service is currently cancelled however there are plans to bring back our Recycling service as soon as possible. Because of this my goals for service are the same, in attending service, hosting and organising Earth Day events and overall helping to plan out regular collection days in service. I also have a lot to write about in terms of the COVID fundraiser.

With these goals I hope to hit all CAS learning outcomes as I did last year, and even further develop on them. With the fact that I am exploring for my creativity aspect it can show how I am identifying my own strengths and finding areas to develop and grow. Furthermore the COVID fundraiser is a good representation of planning and initiating a CAS experience, and also demonstrating engagement with issues of global significance.