Walking to the beach

During the last IBwell Friday, me and Fionna walked down the beach in Colombo. It’s been a while since I last went to the beach or even took a long walk outside,  so this walk was a really nice way to just explore more of Colombo and go see the sea. It was a rather hot day so that gave us our own challenges, but having reached the beach there…

Gecko Net!

So I’ve attended my first two service meetings! Unlike last year where service was cancelled as we went into lockdown, this year everything is back up and running despite school still being closed! This year, my service is gecko net and I’m really happy I managed to get in! Being able to work more on film but now with other people is a great opportunity for me, not only to…

Trying to bake

  I’m not the most avid cook nor baker out there, BUT when putting my mind to something I can do anything (It’s all about a positive mental attitude). So this Saturday I really wanted to try and attempt some baking! With some help from my brother, somewhat more avid baker than myself, we made 1 cake and about 12 chocolate cupcakes. Turns out baking is relatively easier if you…

Family quiz night!

As Christmas approaches the longing to go back home to family becomes increasingly harder to bear. Normally by now I would be packing up my bags and getting ready to go to the UK for a few weeks, meeting friends and family, of course, everything is much different now. To make these times easier, I joined a family zoom quiz night with my grandparents and cousins. It was a great…

Creating a script- Creativity

Introduction:  Over quarantine, I tried really hard to be creative in my spare time, I wanted to keep making films and creating ideas for stories etc. So I made lots of different documents and drawings of different ideas I had for the stories and characters etc. I am still working on these ideas now, it becomes a big film project that I’ve been working on over these last few months.…

Max’s CAS experience: CAS Goals, Introduction and why I’am doing CAS

The last couple months have been nothing short of challenging for all of us. Everything about our way of life has been completely changed for who knows how long, I often find myself looking forward to the future, or I’m reminiscing about the older times when everything felt simpler. It’s a constant mindset I find myself in, past and then future. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been hard at…