As part of our class fullfilments in french class we partake in a series of CAS activities, one service, one activity and one creativity, all related to french in some way. For my creativity, DP french students led by Ms Fert created a performance for the school Gala. Initially we were doing some random french song about the environment but we quickly changed to song we learned in one of our units; La chanson des restos, by Les Enfoires (see below)
This song is dedicated to helping the french organisation Le Resto du Coeur, an association “benevole” which as we learned in class means a welfare association essentially, one whos dedicated to helping others. Le Resto du Coeur is a famous French association which provided meals, proffesional guidance, lodging and other services to people in need:
“Mais juste à manger et à boire
Un peu de pain et de chaleur
Dans les restos, les restos du cœur
Aujourd’hui, on n’a plus le droit
Ni d’avoir faim, ni d’avoir froid”
“But just food and drink
A little bread and warmth
In the restaurants, the heart-restos
Today, we don’t have the right
Neither to be hungry, nor to be cold”.
From Le Chanson du Restos by Les Enfoires
The performance in the Gala was an experience as it was the first singing performance I’d done at this school and in 4+ years, with the performances before then being not really singing but as part of an instrumental ensemble with some vocals. Therefore, this was a new experience.
CAS outcomes: Because this was a group ensemble, I had to develop collaborative skills since we had to be in sync with each other and sing different parts of the song, coming together for the chorus. This meant that we had to develop communication skills, esspecially in french. Furthermore, as a group we had to persevere, learning a song in our non-native tongue and memorizing it in just 48 hours while having loads of other work. Overall it was a great experience and enabled future learning for us.