The last two weeks our service group, Housing and Habitat, have been developing sustainable ideas for the future of the group. Coming out of Covid, many of the collaborations and activities previously done in HH have come under scrutiny, for example the Home Run. Because of this, as well as realizing that somewhere along the path, the group has strayed away from the hands on experience HH is supposed to be, we have spent our service periods firstly introducing new members and secondly coming up with ideas for the future, emphasising the sustainable side of things so that we can further benefit a group of people.
New members coming into our group also gave us the opportunity for new skillsets, in 3d modeling, planning etc. Our group has a strong new core which will enable us to help more people, better.
Some ideas we came up with are collaborating with NGOs, other services, setting up something like a service day where the OSC community can help out as well as building some kind of entertainment system for less fortunate kids, something like a foosball table. Any ideas that you may have feel free to email me at [email protected] or just comment below.