CAS Project: OSC Zoom-a-thon

My CAS project for my DP CAS journey is an event my classmates and I organized during Economics class with our teacher. Our goal was to raise money for the people in Sri Lanka who are in need of it and a fun and effective way to do this was to host an event called the OSC Zoomathon. We were in online school at the time, so this event was a series of videos and activities that we broadcasted to the school for a day. These videos were showing all sorts of things such as what was happening in the OSC community during the lockdown and fun activities for younger students. I was one of four MCs in this event which included me introducing the videos and reminding people to donate to UNICEF Sri Lanka from our website where you could also bid for various items such as a free dinner at a fancy restaurant. This event was a huge success and went smoothly, but the planning for it was what was challenging.

To begin with, we didn’t have any idea what to do to plan this event. We were all uncertain on whether the event would even happen due to how unique and bizarre the idea sounded at first and how little time we had to plan it. Nobody had any ideas on what our individual jobs should be. After a long time of doing nothing and continuing with our normal school lives, we realized that we needed to crack on with the planning for this event since our teacher had received permission from the school to host it on June 9th. The first thing we decided was our roles in the process. I became and MC while other began to gather sponsors, create videos, and be the tech people for the event.

As an MC, my primary job during the planning phase was to write my script based on the order of videos. After the video order was set, the 4 of us assigned ourselves a quarter of the transitions as well as combining for an introduction and conclusion to the Zoomathon. This was the most challenging phase because I had to make sure my lines to introduce the different videos weren’t boring or repetitive. Due to much of our audience being young students, it was important to make the event engaging throughout and not boring at any point in time. It was difficult to accomplish this level of engagement but I feel we got there in the end because we managed to retain our number of viewers throughout the multiple hour event without losing too many viewers. At the end of the event, we met our goal for the amount of money we raised for UNICEF Sri Lanka’s COVID relief program and had a smooth and entertaining Zoomathon. I learned many valuable lessons during this project which will be important and applicable in my future.



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