OSC IBWell Friday

Last Friday was the first OSC IBWell Friday which is a new idea that the school has come up with and will now be doing around once a month. On these days, the whole school will stay off screens and not have classes. Instead of a normal school day, we will all do CAS based activities and show each other what we did afterwards. This was a great opportunity for me to do some CAS work and post about what I did during the day.


One of the things that I have been trying me best to keep up with this semester is practicing my trumpet despite there being no concert band to take part in. I decided that I would do an hour long practice where I would practice some of the songs that I picked out. I warmed up for around 10 minutes and then selected some of my previous songs from past concerts to practice. I also searched up some of my favorite songs and tried to play along for fun.


For this part of my day, I decided to play basketball in my garden and do some of the drills that my coach taught me. I warmed up for a bit, and then did some ball handling drills, shooting drills, and some stretches to finish off the hour long session. Just like my trumpet practice, my ability has declined a bit and I am trying to get fitter and back to where I was before COVID. I also swam for an hour although it wasn’t so intense.


As a service activity, I decided to help my younger siblings out with their math work and ‘tutor’ them for 30 minutes. This experience was a new one to me but I enjoyed helping out and providing service to my family. These 3 activities were fun and relevant to CAS, which not only made the day enjoyable, but also very productive.

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