VIRIDIS Recycling Organization
VIRIDIS is a private organization that offers recycling services in mixed plastic waste management and is located in Panagoda in Sri Lanka. This company was created by a British Businessman who saw the need for a plastic recycler in Sri Lanka. They are the largest plastic recyclers in Sri Lanka at the moment having recycled over 10,000 metric tons of plastic waste within the past 12 years. Their specialty is that they carry out collection, recycling and disposal of plastic waste according to the guidelines and rules set out by the government. The amount of work done by Viridis to solve the issue of plastics in Sri Lanka is immense. They also carry out some interesting tasks such as separating the labels from plastic waste and sending them back to the original producer of those brands.
Viridis company was founded to find a feasible solution to the accumulation of plastic waste in the island without having any means of disposal or recycling. However, at the moment the company itself is facing a number of issues such as,
- China which used to accept the recycled plastic to make products no longer accept.
- Lack of support from the Sri Lankan Government.
- The prices are dependent on the petroleum/oil prices.
- The overflowing supply of plastics to be recycled cannot be efficiently handled due to the size of the factory and lack of resources at the company.
Overall, the demand of plastics is high in Sri Lanka. It is being used heavily in a number of industries, in households, supermarkets and restaurants. Although, use of reusable containers cutlery, straws etc. are being encouraged, Sri Lanka is still a major consumer of plastics as a lot of industries prefer to use plastic for a number of reasons, such as durability and affordability. To meet this huge demand, it has become vital to maintain a steady supply of plastic.
Maps of the VIRIDIS company location: