CAS Goals 2020-2021 DP2.

CAS Goals 2020-2021

THE FINAL Year of High school. 


Looking back from last year I had a couple of goals regarding the creativity section of CAS. I would continue to practice playing the piano however due to the current world climate, I cannot have my private teacher come into my house due to the whole corona situation. So what I have planned to do for the 2020-2021 year of my school is to continue practicing piano for 30 mins every week, my goal is to be able to play the piano without looking at the keys on the piano. I want to be able to look at the notes only and play without having to stop and read and then continue. So my goal in Piano learning today is to learn 5-10 songs without having to look at the piano itself.

Furthermore, I want to continue with my photography and timelapse hobby that I have been doing during my quarantine and online classes. I want to continue exploring sunset and sunrise photography and time-lapses. I want to explore different angles and different forms of photography. I want to explore different aspects of my house and how shadows can affect the final photo.



Unfortunately during the corona my Service group “Gecko Inc” cannot operate however I will be planning for the further with this group and setting up my future leaders for success.

I will be taking initiative in trying to create further projects and future ideas, for the next leaders, I would like to see the kids get goggles for their swimming classes because this would hugely benefit the kids learning process for swimming. Because most of the kids are still scared of swimming letting them see what they are getting into. As before they couldn’t see that they were getting into but now they have some more visibility

Furthermore, when we are demonstrating we can ask kids to briefly look underwater to see what we are actually trying to show them.

On top of planning the future of my service, I will be taking some time to help my 10-year-old sister with her online sessions of school. Helping her with maths, English, and other subjects that she would need assistance with. 


For the action portion of my high school experience, I’ve been doing a 15-minute plank workout every day for the past 3 months.  Because I’ve been in quarantine for the past month my actions have been very minimal. But Once I’m out of quarantine I plan to start biking 10-15 Km a day around the school field near my house or finding specific biking routes where I can do upwards of 50 kilometers a day.

My goal Action is to maintain a fit during this very tough time especially trying to keep fit when we are sitting at a computer screen upwards of 8 + hours a day.

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