My mother always donates our old clothes to those in need because she assumes we won’t wear them anymore. When I was younger and didn’t fully understand the procedure, I used to be hesitant to give them my used clothes as some of them used to be my favourites and they were still in excellent enough shape to be reused. She did, however, explain why giving is a marvelous experience. The most valuable lesson I took away from her was that giving more leads to receiving more.
I eventually became interested in this kind of service, and if I became disinterested in an item of clothing, I would let my mother know so she might give it to someone who would need it more than I did. Not just myself, but all of my siblings also experienced growing up with the sight of some less-fortunate strangers who occasionally came to visit that they turned into familiar faces. They would come visit us around the holidays and even on working days, and we would always offer them clothing, children’s books and school supplies, food, and some cash.
Living in a middle income country has allowed me to witness a lot of people with different needs. It is very typical to encounter homeless families with young children sitting on the sidewalks and asking passersby for assistance. No one can make the entire world a better place by giving away necessities they don’t need. But at least it is possible to give a less fortunate person a brief blessing that they will undoubtedly cherish for a long time.
The people who visited us last Thursday were a mother and her toddler. The toddler was playing with my brother’s favourite toy and later wanted to take it home. Everyone was proud of him to actually not hesitate and give his toy to that toddler. This proves how, even at younger age, anyone would learn good deeds if they’re properly taught. This isn’t something one should do by force, but with one’s own free will and approval. So make sure to spread kindness and happiness as you can.
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