The One with COMUN 2019: Faculty Advisors’ Meeting

COMUN’s first official workshop is the Faculty Advisors’ Meeting which took place on the 10th of November 2018. Here, we discuss everything that has been decided so far for the conference to all the faculty advisors of the other participating schools and hopefully get their inputs and constructive criticism on some of our ideas.

We turned up to the meeting at around 8:30am, however the advisors only started to come at 10. We had been preparing for this workshop for the last couple of weeks and had made a synthesized presentation summarizing what we had planned to discuss. This was all in order to plan and initiate this workshop. We decided to have one final run through to see how the presentation sounded, however, we ran out of time for the final 2 committees and International Press, which was slightly concerning.

The EXCO began the presentation by introducing the secretariat and later the administrative staff. They ran through concepts such as dress code, punctuality and attendance of practice debates. We then moved on to the chairs and committees. For this year’s COMUN, there are going to be 6 committees: 3 general assemblies and 3 special committees. Our 3 GAs are: Historical GA1, GA3, and GA4. And our 3 spec-coms are going to be: G20, Presidential Cabinet, and Security Council. Our chairs went into more detail and elaborated the topics, basic goals of each committee, and what type of delegates should come to each committee. We later discussed community service and finally international press.

I am the Deputy Head of International Press and handle the media side of the press. We discussed all the requirements and expectations we had of press and potential ideas we have for this new COMUN concept. I had to work collaboratively with my head and co-deputy of International Press to make this presentation successful and I found that, that was something we had accomplished by the end of the meeting. Our next official workshop that is upcoming is the Delegate Workshop which is on the 8th of December and by then we are expected to have a concrete idea on what we are going to do for all the practice debates and conference for the press.

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