Activity: Exploring Bangkok on Foot

Summary of CAS Experience: 

For winter break my family went to Bangkok. We only had a few days in Bangkok and we had a lot to do. We wanted to visit Madam Tussauds, the Sea World, we also had to buy groceries to bring back to Colombo, buy clothes, and each person had specific things to get, all around Bangkok. We decided to complete everything that day, and except for a single metro ride, everything was done by walking. We left the hotel at 9 am, to walk to sea world and Madame Tussauds. At 1 we walked to one of our favourite restaurants, Hemingway’s. At 2 pm we walked to the first mall (I forgot the names of the malls). 3 pm was the second mall, about 5 km away. At 5 pm we went to the final mall. At 6 pm we headed home, and we were home at around 7 pm. In total my watch recorded 28,000 steps that day, not quite my personal record which is 32,000 in Vietnam, but still a lot for one day. For reference 5-10,000 steps are the recommended amount. While Bangkok is a hectic city, side streets, and the sky walk-path make walking around the city more convenient than taking a taxi or tuk. 


Learning Outcomes:

#3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

#4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.



Seahorse at Sea World
Otters at Sea World
Lunch at Hemmingway’s
Walking to mall #3
Inside mall #3
Cool cat on motorbike, seen while walking back to the hotel
View from hotel when we arrived back

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