Service: Trip to the International Water Management Institute

Our service, Recycling and Sustainability aim to reduce OSC’s ecological footprint. In order to develop new ideas, and further reduce OSC’s ecological footprint, we went to the IWMI headquarters in Sri Lanka, to learn more about how waste is managed, and turned into a useful product. Since the headquarters were about 200 meters away from our school campus, we took a short bus ride there and talked with Dr Pay Drechel. Our group was comprised of key members of our service group, the DP1 and 2 chemistry and biology students. We were given a comprehensive interactive presentation on different ways IWMI, large cities, and Colombo, deal with waste management. An interesting thing I learned during this presentation, was how wastewater is converted into protein through the use of black soldier flies. Which are fed to fish and livestock. Or how cleaned wastewater is used to irrigate crops.

Dr. Pay Drechel Giving a Presentation to the Group of Students Image Credit: Ian Lockwood

CAS Learning Outcomes:

#1 Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

6# Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

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