Sri Lanka’s economic situation has led to thousands of protesters demanding change, nationwide. While my family and I cannot join in on the protest, we could still watch the protesters and photograph what was occurring.
My mother and I walked around 4 large protests near our house, one by independence square, by the prime minister’s private residence, by the Rajapaksa theatre, and by the Town Hall. The whole walk was only 6km, however, we took our time.
Learning Outcomes:
(#2) Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, and develop new skills. This was the first protest I have ever attended. It was eye opening to me, and changed my perspective on the roles of Government, and the power protesters can have.
(#4) Show commitment to and persevere in CAS experiences. Walking around town while protests were occurring was a challenge, we had to make plans, and determine the safest way to walk around.