Summary of CAS Experience:
As final exams come closer each week, I find myself studying a lot more each weekend. I have been noticing that around midday Sunday I tend to burn out and lose motivation from studying. I decided to begin swimming laps in my pool as both a break from studying but also to improve my physical fitness. I wear my smart watch when I’m swimming laps, and it gives me statistics such as average heart rate, max heart rate, average speed, and total distance; however, I am not sure how accurate these statistics are.
The first few times I aimed for 2 km in total distance. My average heart rate was 132, my max heart rate was 148, and my average speed was about 0.81 meters a second. It took around 48 minutes. The second time my average heart rate was 133, my max heart rate was 142, and my average speed was about 0.82 meters a second. It took around 45 minutes. The second time my average heart rate was 128, my max heart rate was 143, and my average speed was about 0.85 meters a second. It took around 43 minutes. The fourth, and most recent time my average heart rate was 127, my max heart rate was 141, and my average speed was about 0.86 meters a second. It took around 43 minutes. So I am seeing small incremental improvements over time. I plan to continue this routine each weekend, and it helps me with burnout. I am going to increase my distance by a few hundred meters each time.
Learning Outcomes:
#1 Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
#2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
#3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
#4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.