Prior Service Experience: During my 3-year experience within the MYP programme, I participated in 2 different service groups, and throughout my experience, I learned a lot of new skills, and information, that I can take with me into other situations.
Reefkeepers: The first service group I participated in was ReefKeepers. Within this service, our goal was to raise awareness about ocean pollution and find ways the school, and local community could help combat this. During my time I participated in beach cleanups, and street weeps. We collected hundreds of pieces of trash, and sorted it, identifying which companies were the largest polluters, and we sent them a message regarding that.
During my Reefkeepers experience, I learned a wide variety of things. I learned how to efficiently organize an event. I worked with my ReefKeeper peers to plan things, such as the beach sweep, or t-shirt sales. I am able to take the planning and organizing aspect of my experience and utilise it in other situations, both academic and personal. For example, I used a planning scaffold before we visited Auckland during the summer, preparing and planning all the necessary documents and procedures.
Recycling & Sustainability: During my short time with the service group Recycling and Sustainability, I learned how to efficiently work as a team. Part of the service activity is sorting through recyclable materials from the school. We were, as a group, able to sort through the entire room and have it clean within 45 minutes. I could utilise these group working skills within school projects, or within social life, with friends and family.
I plan on utilizing these skills within my DP service experience, and I plan on further developing my academic, and social skills within my service.