Looking back, it’s easy to say that the past two years have been a heck of a journey. CAS has been an integral part of it all, and the extracurricular activities that have mounted up till this moment speak for themselves. The three components of CAS- Creativity, Activity and Service experiences have pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me appreciate the team and individual effort that had to be put in to make these experiences worthwhile.
Most of my goals for Creativity have been accomplished through singing and theatre. Experiences in Gala (2022 and 2023) and Antigone Now! (2023) have made me identify key areas of growth in performance. From my first Gala with Ms Duncan to my last with Mr Kim, I’ve developed a strong sense of my vocal capabilities (LO1- Identify your strengths and develop areas for personal growth). I remember the first Spring Gala, the sheer amount of preparation put into perfecting the songs, the hints of choreography and the energy we wanted to emanate. The same level of energy was put into Antigone Now! and the two other Galas that followed. (LO2- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences). None of this would have been possible without a strong cast and ensemble, the collective effort spilt into these events and projects also created trust and friendships which I will carry along into the future.
From the left: Me, Yangki, Josh (Pic credit Josh)
Spring Gala (Pic credit Mr. Lakshitha)
I’ve tried my best in staying consistent with the goal of improving in both Volleyball and Tennis, however, in all honesty, I feel like I’ve improved more in Volleyball than in Tennis (LO1 Identify your strengths and develop areas for personal growth). From not knowing anything about Volleyball at the start of DP1, to being a part of the team in 2021-22 and competing with local Sri Lankan teams to playing this game daily with my friends during lunch break and free blocks, the familiarity and enjoyment I have found within this sport is amazing. (LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.) I hope to be consistent with Tennis in the future since I do not want to lose the skills I’ve developed in this sport.
Hilton tennis courts (Pic credit: Author)
Volleyball game in 2021 (Pic credit Thevuni)
Tennis at Queens (Pic credit: Author)
A major milestone achieved during my time in Eco-Schools was obtaining the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award by The Federation of Environmental Education (FEE) to OSC. It was a milestone that each member, along with Housing and Habitat and Recycling and Sustainability helped achieve. Throughout the past two years, there has been tremendous growth in this service. We have accomplished projects and events that have had significant impacts locally in our community like the Garden Bed Project and globally through projects such as the Baton Relay. The service reflects the consistency and commitment required to reduce our overall ecological and carbon footprint (LO6- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance). From my EE to my CAS project, Eco-Schools has been an integral part of my life for the past 2 years, to which I owe my gratitude.
It’s been a rollercoaster of events, but sadly everything must come to an end. From the memories made, the challenges faced to the skills I’ve developed throughout it all, I hope to come back to this blog one day and reflect back on all these experiences. But for now, this is me signing out 🙂
Man bringing in his Juke Boxes (Pic credits: Author)
The Garden beds (Pic credit: Author)
Neighborhood cleanup (Pic credit: Ms. Melinda)
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