Rukshi’s CAS Journey

DP1 CAS Goals


Creativity is something I have always struggled with. I was always more of an active person and never really focused my attention on my creative side, therefore, my main goal for the next two years is to broaden my creative headspace and try to include creative aspects in everything I do. One of my other goals is to take part in a school production. I signed up for meditative coloring this semester, hoping that it would be stress relieving and a time of relaxation. Additionally, learning how to play an instrument is another one of my goals for the next two years. I would also like to audition for a school play.


At my previous school, I actively participated in Swimming and Water Polo, in which I was highly committed to and therefore plan to do as many sports as I can at OSC. I currently do swimming. I tried out for the SAISA Swimming team, but I did not get in. I still plan to continue swimming and hopefully compete in the Inter-International Swimming Meet. I also go to the gym once or twice a week. One of my main goals is to participate in a team sport because I believe that there are many skills and qualities I can learn from the experience of being in a team and having to play collaboratively. Therefore, for my second semester, I plan to try out for either SAISA Badminton or SAISA Basketball. During the year, I further hope to start either Taekwondo or Boxing. Overall, my main goal related to action is to maintain my active lifestyle throughout the IB Diploma Program.


The service I signed up for this semester is “Hope for Kids.” This service visits The National Cancer Institute at Maharagama. The main goal of this service is to interact with the young patients. On my first day of visiting the cancer hospital, it was difficult for me to see these kids going through a very challenging time, but having the opportunity to spend some time with them and to hopefully make their lives better made me happy. My goal is to hopefully continue this service for my next two years and to put all my effort into it. I think this will teach me many things and I hope to do my best.

Throughout my final two years of school, I aim to accomplish a few other personal goals. A few that I would like to achieve along the way is to do well in anything I set my mind to while also learning from future mistakes. As it is my first year at OSC, I do not know all my fellow students well and therefore hope to get to know them better and make more friends. My main goal is to build up my confidence and develop my personality. I have been a very closed up individual and found difficulty in interaction with others, but I aim to overcome all this and become a better version of myself. Another important goal that I hope to accomplish soon is to optimize my time management.

rweerawarana21 • September 24, 2019

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