Rukshi’s CAS Journey

The End

The last two years were the most unusual, unexpected, and scariest moments of my school life. I joined a new school, started the IB Diploma, experienced a global pandemic, and then there was CAS; Creativity, Activity, and Service. It was anything but ordinary, but my CAS journey has been a fulfilling one. The Covid 19…

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Dancing through Colombo

For my CAS Project, I collaborated with Ashvini and Matthew to do dance-related photography around typical spots around Colombo. Initially, in the planning stages, we were going to shoot a dance video to a motivating speech but then decided to do a series of pictures which Ashvini got inspired to do after Jordon Matter, a…

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Spin Class and Workouts

I went for a spin class for the first time with my friends a few weeks ago. Since I haven’t done any physical activity these past few weeks, It was a very tiring experience. Spinning is another word for indoor cycling where you focus on endurance and high-intensity interval training. Each person gets a stationary…

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Food Drive and Awareness Campaign

In Hope for Kids this semester, we recently completed a diaper driver where the school community donated diapers for the kids at the Cancer Hospital. We aimed to collect more reusable diapers as they are more environmentally friendly but overall, the drive was a great success! We collected heaps of diapers and Miss. Tanuja (teacher…

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Getting my Driver’s License

I recently got my driver’s license and it was an extroadinary experience. In Sri Lanka, once you turn 17, you are entitled to get a permit that allows you to drive a car with a licensed driver. After a minimum of three months, you must take the ‘driver’s test’ at the age of 18 where…

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Hope for Kids: A New Approach

As a result of the pandemic, our service group ‘Hope for Kids’ that visits the Maharagama Children’s Cancer Hospital is now restricted from visiting. We now have to think of a new approach to help the kids. Finding ways to boost their mood and improve their mental health at a distance was difficult but I…

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Rackets and Reps

Coronavirus has spread once again in Sri Lanka. Schools have closed and we are back at home.  We have moved to our distance learning program which entails sitting around and staring at a laptop for hours on end. And as expected, my level of physical activity has gone down. The month of November consisted of…

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Photography and Mandala

During last semester, one of the ways I would pass the time when the country was in lockdown was by drawing. I experimented with many techniques but the one I enjoyed the most was Mandala Art. It became my art therapy. Mandala art is essentially drawing small patterns within certain shapes. It’s mainly done in…

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DP2 CAS Goals

The unexpected events of this year drastically changed my life. From wearing masks all day to social distancing, everything we did before now is considered to be unsafe. It became the ‘new normal’. As a result, most of my plans for the school year have either been delayed or canceled. Many of the things I…

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Curfew Log III: Home E-Waste Cleanup and Donation

E-Waste is electronic waste. Due to the rapid advancement in technology and the production of new and improved electronic devices each year, the amount of E-Waste is increasing. In terms of my family, we produce a significant amount of E-Waste. Since both my parents are computer scientists, having and learning how to use a laptop or…

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