For UN Day 2018, I volunteered to lead one of the classroom presentations as the COMUN were lacking members to lead them. Although I was reluctant at first, once being assigned to handle the DP 1 and 2 classes along with my partner Pabasha, we were given our topic: Green Transportation.
A topic that I felt, and I think will always feel, strongly passionate about.
“Fun fact: Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Mankind? About one hundred and forty thousand years old. Let me that in perspective. If you condense the Earth’s life span into 24 hours, that’s one full day in that we have been here on this planet for, drum roll please… 3 seconds.” –
Prince Ea, Man Vs. Earth.
3 seconds. And look what we have done.
Green technology can be defined as the application of science to mitigate or reverse the effects of human activity on the environment. The main goal of green technology is to be sustainable, meeting the needs of the present without the compromising the ability of future generations to meet needs of their own.
There is no doubt that pollution is a big problem that needs to be addressed, with the active use of cleaner technology it can help reduce the negative impacts that it will have on our environment. The benefits of this type of technology will not only be for nature itself but it also allows for a clean and greener human lifestyle. Therefore, we explored this theme in hopes of rasising awareness in the OSC community about its effects and at the same time play our part in helping the planet become sustainable.
Every Monday, afterschool for one and a half hours, we worked on the presentations, planning the scripts, presenting it multiple times in front of the other members of COMUN and the head teacher, presenting to teachers, getting feedback, adding videos, games, questions, interesting trivia related to the topic to finally present on the 5th of October 2018, OSC’s UN Day. Our presentation lasted one and a half hours, as intended, and we got our message across to our audience given their enthusiastic engagement throughout our presentation. They answered all our questions in detail, showing an excellent grasp of each idea and concept discussed.
One of the merits of doing a project of this nature is that it demonstrated and developed my collaborative, presentation and leadership skills while dealing with a world issue and its solutions. In the end, I am truly glad I volunteered.
Below is a link to the presentation: