Badminton has always been one of my favorite sports. When I found out that badminton season was going to be delayed this year, I was livid that I would have to wait even longer in the year to play. I’d waited all year for badminton season and even though I was playing for the team that I didn’t think I’d be in, I was still happy that the season had finally started.
The first practice I attended had caught me off guard. I assumed that because the OSC team and the AISD team (the team I used to be in) always played at the same level that the practices would be the same level of difficulty. Oh, how I was wrong. The first session was really hard. When I say really hard I mean REALLY hard. I genuinely didn’t think I’d be able to make it through the practice. In addition to that the next day I was extremely sore. The next practice was just as hard but I managed to get through the whole practice. The soreness was definitely not making things easier.
The next few practices did not get easier but I did become used to them. However, one thing I did not get used to was that there was no A/C. When I played for my old school we played in a gym with an air-conditioning being blasted all day. So suddenly having to do an intense practice in a gym without A/C was definitely a big adjustment to me.
Even though this badminton season was cut short due to the COVID -19 pandemic I still really enjoyed the short time we had.
IB Learner Outcomes:
- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.