The Week of Running on a treadmill

But moving on to my not-main activities this semester, specifically, experiences that weren’t really a resounding success – I’m looking back to the end of March where after being hit with inspiration, I really tried to make running on the treadmill a daily thing. I remember this really well because that was the week that I had a Bonding test for chemistry and I was trying to do both of those concurrently (you’ll see the relevance later on).

The first day was actually kind of good but then the next day went terrible because the moment I woke up, my legs hurt. A lot. Importance of warming up. But after like 2-3 days, I persevered and kind of started getting a hang of it. But then I was trying to memorize something for chemistry and I had my notebook open at the front to kind of multitask and then I tripped/missed a step and tried to put my arms in the front so I don’t fall all the way down but then I accidentally banged my head on the front. Which was very upsetting and I didn’t really go back to it after that.

In retrospect, I shouldn’t have tried to multitask.

One year of DP down – 1 more to go

I’m still processing that an entire year has gone by since I first started at OSC but maybe this reflection will help me process!


By far, the CAS strand I devoted the most time to this year was creativity. Mostly in the form of the Advocate, the magazine club that I’m finally mostly done editing! I say mostly because we didn’t really get to the layout yet but that’s to be expected with the limited timeframe and limited workforce. But yes, with my estimation, I’d say that next semester, the Advocate would finally be published, whether that be in digital or print.


Activity is generally not my strong suit. In fact, it’s probably my weakest point because my body and I tend to disagree a lot on things like which limb to move, where to move it to and when to move it. Thus, my main activity experiences this year were DP orientation, DP science trip and WWW. That may not sound like a lot but for someone who gets out of breath walking to their locker, it’s a pretty big deal and required a LOT of perseverance.


Semester 1 of DP1 was generally pretty good for service but semester 2 kind of took a nosedive. My stress levels and overall health went sideways by mid semester 2 and I missed quite a bit of service but for the times I was there, it was good! Two of my most memorable experiences would be the planting and the prep for the assembly which were both really engaging!

The Advocate

In the last advocate’s meeting, (since this time we actually had submissions!), we essentially finished sorting the articles submitted for the magazine into yes and no piles. And I was really surprised by the quality of the submissions we got – they really were all incredible and we just had one article that we didn’t really think was a good fit for the Advocate and even that was a hard decision.

But one of my main takeaways from this entire experience was that – there is no such thing as perfect creativity. Every piece has its strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes it’s a matter of personal preference. What a good article is really depends on who’s the reader – we just had two members (INCLUDING Ms Echols) and we still had the occasional disagreement. But I did my best to be fair and consistent and if we ever do get to the putting the articles together and publishing it, the Advocate would definitely be an interesting read!

Eco Schools – F for (in progress)

So the last eco-schools session was dedicated to preparing for the assembly and on Thursday, we finally had it! Now, I wasn’t involved in the actual assembly itself (mainly because while I love bringing awareness to climate change, I also love not having a meltdown), I helped in the research for Millan’s speech.

So animal cruelty is a bit of a sore point for me (as it should be for everyone: if it’s not, I’m sorry but I hope every show you get remotely interested in gets canceled after one episode) – and as Milan’s speech was about going meat free, I quite enjoyed putting together the research for it. A fun fact about me is I love going on tirades about things I’m passionate about/invested in. Thus, the enjoyment!

When researching, we mostly communicated through text on the doc itself because I was in the student center and milan was in Mr Poulus’ class but I think that helped me get engrossed in the topic, possibly overly engrossed.

But while the process of researching was pleasant, the topic wasn’t. At all.

While going meat-free is super important for climate change, it’s role in reducing animal cruelty CANNOT be overstated enough. And I think that’s something else I picked up on while researching.

Because while there are certain measures that can be taken to reduce animal cruelty in livestock farming and etc., the sad reality is that, especially in institutional settings, those measures are often completely ignored and while some of the responsibility can be attributed to lax laws and irresponsible animal protection agencies, the huge, huge demand for meat makes some of these measures less feasible.

So tldr: cut back on meat otherwise you’re making a baby cow cry.

Week Without Walls – E for Exhausted (note to self: I like walls)

I knew that going on WWW might not work out excellently. Everyone knew that. I’m autistic. I hate change, unfamiliar situations and sensory information. But, I still went on it. I blame my inherently optimistic personality.

One of the main reasons I went on WWW was because I wanted to collect leeches. I’m an aspiring hirudinologist and I needed leeches for my extended essay so this was a perfect opportunity. I may have also slightly wanted to delve into a fantasy of being a researcher in the field too. Just slightly. And I got to! So that was fun!

So day 1 – we went to the Mulgirigala temple which was interesting and tiring.

I move way slower than everyone else is also something I learned.

Day 2 – we went to Sithulpawwa which was also interesting and then it started raining midway. BUT – I did find a giant termite hill.

Day 3 – We arrived at the Rainforest Ecolodge and then there was a fish spa walk in the evening which I respectfully declined to take part in (recognizing my limits!)

Day 4 – I left.

WWW was by no means, terrible. It was fun and I did things that I usually wouldn’t do. But it did bring up stuff about me that I had a relatively hard time dealing with.

Like how I feel about being called ‘special’. Special or in sinhala, ‘vishesha’ in Sri Lanka is a synonym for disabled, specifically intellectual or learning disabilities. It’s not an insult (it’s meant to be a more positive way of describing disabilities) nor does it have malicious intent behind it but it can be an easy way to describe someone who has uh, other needs. Like it’s easier to say don’t do anything loud because she’s a special child and doesn’t like it than to say she has autism and experiences sensory sensitivities. But the thing with ‘special’ is that it is an umbrella term and people often assume that someone who’s labeled as special is intellectually disabled, cannot understand etc. Which is why I dislike the term. However, when I’m upset or in unfamiliar situations, I don’t generally correct people on this. I find it hard to speak to people, much less correct them but it’s just something I wanted to bring up as it happened occasionally on the trip itself.

Of course, I’d rather someone consider me special than disregard my needs entirely but I feel like this is something that needs a bit more awareness?

It also highlighted how there’s definitely more room for representation in terms of neurodevelopmental disorders in society. Mr Ravi had recommended “The Good Doctor” a while ago and while I disagree with how realistic it is in terms of “there’s absolutely no way that Shaun would have gotten into medical school, much less a hospital in real life – technical standards exist, they’re outdated but they exist”, it’s still nice to see someone with autism in a respected position.

Of course, there’s still the question of how I am recognized as disabled when autism is supposed to be an invisible disability but overall, WWW was fun! Involved more introspection that I initially thought but still fun!

DP Science Trip – D for Data Collection

This may be a bit late but I needed time to reflect!

We had our DP Science trip to the Central Highlands on Dec 12th, 13th and 14th and while it was primarily focused on sophisticated and incredibly accurate surveying of invasive plants with absolutely no amount of rounding up, it also happened to include a lot of hiking! Way more than I had expected. 11km to be exact.

I’m not the best at exercise, overall. Actually,  that may be an understatement. I’m terrible at any and all forms of limb/body manipulation.

So me completing an 11km hike is something that I am INCREDIBLY proud of. Thus, why I’m making a post about it and adding it to my CAS blog.

Me being happy because I had made it to the end

The Advocate – C for Complete – sort of

Last week, I finally finished my article for the Advocate, an OSC magazine. It may have taken way longer than expected due to my constant editing and perfectionist tendencies but at last, IT’S COMPLETE AND NO, I AM NOT READING IT OVER AGAIN. That’s a cycle that’s quite honestly never ending.

If I had to sum up my piece for the Advocate in a sentence it would be “personal narrative with a little self-deprecating humor, a moderate amount of reminiscing and way too much 2010 references”, but either way, should be an interesting read whenever we get the Advocate published.

Excerpt to pique your curiosity –

There were tears, video loops, existential crises and black parade references involved.

It’s an one and half page article – If I include more than a sentence, I’ve ruined the element of surprise.

Which brings me to the point of “sort of” in the title. We had to change the publication frequency of The Advocate because of the dearth of submissions. So right now, I’ve shifted focus from creating my article to aggressive promotion which again, should be interesting. Say hello to the draft/ probable version of very unofficial mascot of promoting the heck out of showcasing OSC’s creativity!


Is he simplistic to a fault? Yes. Will I change him? No way.

Eco-Schools – B for Baton Relay

On November 23rd, OSC was one of the 60,000 schools to participate in the Baton Relay for climate action, “Running out of Time.” The Baton Relay was well, a baton relay symbolically representing the distance from Glasgow, Scotland where the 26th United Nations Climate Conference was held to Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt where the 27th was held in 2022 on November 8th. That’s around 7767 km and OSC was estimated to have racked up 30km! That’s around… 0.3%. Which sounds small but really isn’t.


DP Orientation – A is for… Apprehension?

When I look back on the DP Orientation trip, one of the first things that come to my mind is how absolutely terrified I was. The strange thing is, I wasn’t scared on the days leading up to it but once we parked at Borderlands, my only thought was “What did I get myself into?”. Because a fundamental truth about me is that I’m clumsy. If I don’t watch where I’m going, I trip over myself on flat ground. I was terrified of falling off a cliff and into an abyss which sounds unlikely but it could happen. Besides, “getting back up” isn’t an option if your trajectory is the worst possible coincidence and ends up with being the perfect one that lands you at the foot of a hill with traumatic brain injury. 

This was a problem since most of the trip centered on hiking up a hill and then rappelling off in an ultimate show of bravery. So with an annoyingly incessant voice telling me “You’re going to die.”, I began climbing up. The trip up wasn’t an easy one. It took me way longer than the others and I may have had to ask for help once or twice. Actually, repeatedly and incessantly. 

But once we got to a high enough height, the view was amazing. Then the other kids tried rappelling. An activity I respectfully declined to partake in considering well, if humans were meant to jump off heights, we would have evolved to have wings or at least a flexible spinal cord. 

I also had an ulterior motive, I was looking for leeches. I had a small obsession with leeches when I was younger. Anyway, I needed to get one to feed on me but with my knowledge and consent as I am anemic enough already and I refuse to let a leech feed on me without getting entertainment value out of it. So I got my wish on the last day but things went a bit off plan. You see, any sane leech would start feeding once it’s placed on a perfectly good patch of skin, right? However, natural selection apparently passed over this leech as instead of feeding, it was hellbent on exploring. This would have been fine but then it tried going up my sleeve. I realize that it’s not even from the same habitat NOR the genus but I suddenly remembered everything I’ve read about limnatis nilotica and panicked, (google limnatis nilotica infestation. You’ll see what I mean).  Thus, it had to be removed.

In retrospect, I regret it. But the leech lost its chance to feed on me. I could have sustained it for six months give or take but that’s what happened. Either way, it was enjoyable and a highlight.

It was also nice to get to know other students. 

So while hiking up a hill may not be equal to rappelling, that’s a really big fear of mine that I conquered on this trip and thus, I declare it successful. 

CAS Goals


Writing and editing has always been one of my hobbies so joining ‘The Advocate’, a lesser known magazine at OSC just felt right. While the content I used to edit and put together was different to what I’ll be editing now as a school magazine, I hope some of those skills may transfer to it somehow. My creativity goal for this year is to help out in the editing process of ‘The Advocate’ magazine and also to write my own article in it.


Being physically active has fallen lower and lower on my list of priorities as I’ve gotten busier so this year I’m going to make it my goal to run on the human version of a hamster wheel, a treadmill for at least 10 minutes a day.


For my first year in the DP and also at OSC, I’ve joined Eco-Schools. My goal for this year is to help decrease the school’s environmentaL impact through education, awareness and action.


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