The Advocate

In the last advocate’s meeting, (since this time we actually had submissions!), we essentially finished sorting the articles submitted for the magazine into yes and no piles. And I was really surprised by the quality of the submissions we got – they really were all incredible and we just had one article that we didn’t really think was a good fit for the Advocate and even that was a hard decision.

But one of my main takeaways from this entire experience was that – there is no such thing as perfect creativity. Every piece has its strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes it’s a matter of personal preference. What a good article is really depends on who’s the reader – we just had two members (INCLUDING Ms Echols) and we still had the occasional disagreement. But I did my best to be fair and consistent and if we ever do get to the putting the articles together and publishing it, the Advocate would definitely be an interesting read!

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